Why do you need a professional website audit?

Optimize Your Website with a Professional Website Audit. Uncover Hidden Issues and Boost Success.

In the dynamic realm of the digital landscape, your website serves as your virtual storefront, welcoming visitors, and showcasing your brand's offerings. However, even the most visually appealing and seemingly functional websites can harbor hidden issues that hinder user experience and impact your business's success. This is where a professional website audit emerges as a powerful tool to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of your online presence. 

Just like how your body needs an annual checkup every year to make sure your levels are in perfect balance, just like how a phone needs some storage space to be cleared up, your website also needs a health check once in a while to make sure it’s functioning properly.

We'll explore ten reasons why your website needs a comprehensive audit to thrive in the competitive digital ecosystem.

1. Your users cannot navigate the site properly.

  • A navigation menu that’s too complex - Too many sub-sub-navigation menu items - dropdowns within dropdowns.
  • No clear Call-to-action buttons on the page.
  • Unclear CTA’s
  • Why am I on this website - this is the first question that needs to be answered with a clear Unique Selling Proposition, a clear and explanatory subheading, and a clear Call-to-action.
  • Clutter on the page
  • Information overload on the Home page of your website
  • No clear info on how a customer can contact you - phone, email, etc.,
  • Every page should be able to return to the home page by clicking on the logo of the website.
  • Unnecessary pop-ups to signup even before the user has the time to digest the content in the Hero Section.

A well-designed website is intuitive and user-centric. A website audit evaluates your site's navigation, layout, and overall usability. By identifying areas of improvement, you can ensure visitors have a seamless and satisfying experience, reducing bounce rates and increasing engagement.

2. Your users don’t have an optimized experience on the site.

  • There’s old, un-updated content on the site. 
  • The images do not have alt-text which a screen reader can pick up for disabled users.
  • Site security - https is required for a site to be secure.
  • Meta data needs to be updated on each of the pages on the site.
  • Use of proper visual hierarchy for all the headings on the site.
  • The sizes of images and videos should be optimized. Heavy images and videos slow down the site.
  • Make sure that all content is updated and fresh.
  • Url tags should be readable.
  • Make sure all pages are indexed.
  • Check if any links are broken and if any pages need redirects or 404’s

3. Your website needs to look good on all screen sizes - Mobile responsive

With mobile users on the rise, a responsive design is non-negotiable. An audit ensures your website adapts flawlessly to different devices, guaranteeing an optimal experience for users, irrespective of the screen they're using.

4. Search Engine Visibility

An audit delves into your website's search engine optimization (SEO) elements. It analyzes keywords, metadata, and other factors that impact your site's ranking on search engines. A well-optimized website enjoys higher visibility, attracting organic traffic and potential customers.

5. Your website loads slowly.

There can be many reasons why a website loads slowly. But people are just lazy. If the website takes longer than 5 seconds to load, they would click away and leave the site. That’s why you’ll probably see a higher bounce rate, lower pages per session, and a higher cart abandonment rate on e-commerce sites. 

Site speed is a ranking factor with Google - meaning that sites that take longer to load could find themselves being pushed down in the SERPS.

You can test your site speed using Google’s own Page Speed Tool which will give you insights into the current level of optimization on your website.

Some common reasons for slow loading speed

In an audit, the most common reasons for site speed being too high will be identified, these often include:

  • Not properly formatting and compressing images.
  • Increased number of redirects – this creates additional HTTP requests and slows load time.
  • Not minifying JS and CSS files by eliminating unnecessary characters and comments from the CSS.
  • Reviewing the number of plugins on your site.

6. Competitor Analysis

An audit may involve evaluating your competitors' websites. This analysis provides insights into industry trends, best practices, and areas where you can outshine your rivals.

Ultimately, a website audit equips you with a strategic roadmap for your website's growth. It outlines actionable recommendations, empowering you to make informed decisions that align with your business goals.

So, how often do you need a website audit?

The frequency of website audits depends on the size of your website, your industry, and your specific business goals. Generally, for small to medium-sized websites, it's recommended to conduct an annual website audit. For larger websites or those in industries with rapid changes (such as technology or fashion), a bi-annual audit might be more appropriate.

However, there are specific situations that might prompt more frequent audits:

  1. Website Redesign or Overhaul: Whenever you undergo a major redesign or significant changes to your website, it's a good idea to conduct an audit before and after to ensure that everything is functioning as intended and to catch any new issues that may have arisen during the changes.
  1. Algorithm Updates: If search engines like Google release major algorithm updates, it's wise to perform an audit to ensure that your website is compliant and that your rankings haven't been negatively impacted.
  1. Significant Traffic Drop: If you notice a sudden drop in website traffic or a decrease in your search engine rankings, it might be an indication that something is wrong. A prompt audit can help identify and rectify the issues.
  1. New Competitors: If new competitors enter your industry or niche, it's a good time to conduct an audit to see how your website compares to theirs and identify areas where you can improve.
  1. Business Changes: If your business undergoes significant changes, such as introducing new products or services, expanding to new markets, or changing your target audience, it's essential to conduct an audit to ensure that your website aligns with these changes.
  1. Security Concerns: In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, security is paramount. Regular audits help identify and rectify potential security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

Remember, a website audit is not a one-time event but rather an ongoing process to ensure that your website remains optimized, up-to-date, and aligned with your business goals. By staying proactive and conducting regular audits, you can maintain a competitive edge and provide the best possible user experience for your visitors.

Need A Hand?

If you need a website audit, I can help you! My complete SEO audit includes looking at factors including technical analysis, site architecture, security, image optimization, mobile, on-page, backlinks, keywords, content, user experience and more. Feel free to contact me and I can help you get a free website audit done in no time!

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