website showcase

My Work

Watermelon Pictures

Picture a watermelon - A website for Watermelon Pictures

Dr. Andrew Chung's Professional Website

Where mobility begins anew - a website redesign for Dr. Andrew Chung

Atalanta Digital

A website for Atalanta Digital, Inc - a Digital Marketing Firm based in California

Startedge B2B SAAS Business Website

A website for a B2B SAAS Business - Startedge(formerly Eyerate) - The #1 Employee-Driven Growth Platform for Customer Reviews

Beyond Words

A website solution for Beyond Words VR, Beyond Words Certifications and Beyond Words Formations Professional

A personal brand for Dr. Rosari Kingston

Find a way to reclaim your health today!

Aegis Disability Insurance

Created by a physician for physicians.


A Webflow template customization for Subminimal, a video production company

The Irish College of Traditional and Integrative Medicine

A website refresh for ICTIM

Sharim Studio

A website for Sharim Studio


A website for Center for Child and Adult Psychiatry

Dr. Wendy Newton

A website refresh for a practicing psychologist